Professor Emeritus,

University of Aberdeen


About the Site

The purpose of this site is to provide wider exposure for David Braine as a thinker and his works. While his philosophical triology — The Reality of Time and the Existence of God, The Human Person: Animal and Spirit, and Language and Human Understanding: The Roots of Creativity in Speech and Thought — are relatively well-known, many of his other works are not widely known and deserve greater exposure and readership.

To accomplish this task, this site hosts not only a biographical sketch of David Braine (see below) but also the first digitial bibliography of his published and unpublished works. Click here to view the bibliography.

About David Braine

David Braine was a disabled analytic philosopher who sought to conjoin the techniques and insights of analytic philosophy and classical Thomism. Below a brief biographical sketch is offered.

Biographical Sketch

David Braine studied physics as Magdalen College, Oxford where he was a member of seven student societies including the Scientific Society and the Historical Society. He changed course to study philosophy while at Oxford and studied under Gilbert Ryle as well as Elizabeth Anscombe. Upon completiion of his BPhil from Oxford, Braine became a Lecturer at University of Aberdeen's Department of Logic in 1965. In 1977, Braine was paralyzed from the chest down as the result of a car accident. Despite his new disability, Braine continued teaching at University of Aberdeen and even was awarded a Gifford Fellowship from 1982 to 1988. Braine's work during this fellowship laid the groundwork for his three major monographs: The Reality of Time and the Existence of God, The Human Person: Animal & Spirit, Language & Human Understanding: The Roots of Creativity in Speech and Thought, published in 1988, 1992, and 2014 respectively. Braine took medical retirement in 1989 and became an Honorary Lecturer from 1989 to 2002. Subsequently, Braine became an Honorary Research Fellow till his death in 2017.

About the Bibliography

This bibliography of David Braine's published and unpublished works was compiled in order to facilitate easy access to Braine's works. Every entry is hyperlinked to where the item can be purchased, accessed via institutional login, or viewed for free. At present the bibliography does not contain secondary sources. (Note that links are still being gathered for the complete bibliography. All entries with active links have a hyperlink after the bibliographical information.)